Personalo atrankų specialistas
Paskelbta 2024 Rugpjūčio 19d., 15:36
- Active search and selection of marine personnel, evaluation of candidates
- Work with the available candidates: providing with information and employment instructions
- Completing and submitting documentation related to employment of confirmed candidates
- Applying for A1 forms
- Reporting to the required institutions and authorities
- Prepare payroll related reports
- Consulting employees on payroll issues
- Work with the partners: business communication and follow up
- Problem solving, handling emergency situations
- Experience of work with B1 program ( advantage)
Darbo vieta: Klaipėda
Atlyginimas: 1500 - 2000 €/mėn.
Daugiau informacijosSkelbimo statistika
Parodytas: 33 k.
Peržiūrėtas: 9 k.
Peržiūrėtas: 9 k.